"Guarding The Harvest" - The Podcast Every Retiree Needs To Hear

Principium Tactical Wealth Management President, Chris Alberta, is co-hosting a new show on WJR with Frank Beckmann! You may have heard them talk on air about the retirement climate and the critical facts every retiree needs to know during the "Retire Like Frank" segments. Each month, you can now hear them discuss the issues and solutions in-depth on "Guarding The Harvest".

Visit the show's website to stream any episode instantly!


This show illuminates listeners with the insider scoop on what retirees should expect, what they should avoid, and what tools are available to them to make the best financial decisions possible.

Each show will provide perspectives on essential topics such as market myths, utilizing annuities, when to draw social security, avoiding tax implications, buyouts vs. pensions, distributing retirement accounts, facts about IRAs, beneficiaries, and Medicare information. Drawing on real examples backed by real math.

As a seasoned expert and pioneer in his field, Chris Alberta's voice is one to be heard. For over 20 years, he has specialized in formulating the most efficient and successful retirement blueprints for Michiganders. Now he is here to share his knowledge with YOU.